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Bell, T. R. (2024, November). Demystifying myths and tracing roots: Using documentary film to contextualize Critical Race Theory. National Communication Association, Critical and Cultural Studies Division, New Orleans, LA.

McGlynn, J., Bell, T. R., & Milford, M. (2024, November). “Parents S.U.C.K.”: A typology of the bad sports parent through the eyes of fee-based youth sport coaches. National Communication Association, Communication and Sport Division, New Orleans, LA.

Bell, T. R., & Yang, F. (2024, July). #SaveWomensSports: A network analysis of its origin, influencers, and anti-trans discourse. International Conference on Social Media & Society, London, England.

Bell, T. R. (2024, March). ESPN’s Playmakers: A fictional foreshadowing of provocative storylines and predictive challenges for the NFL. The 16th Summit on Communication and Sport, Burbank, CA.

McGlynn, J., Bell, T. R., & Milford, M. (2024, March). On the same page?: How fee-based youth sport coaches communicate and regulate expectations with athletes and parents. The 16th Summit on Communication and Sport, Burbank, CA.

Bell, T. R., & Osborne, A. (2024, March). Naturalizing woman: A panicked return to sex exclusion in women's sport, 2017 – 2023. Thinking Sex Conference, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL.

Lewis, N., & Bell, T. R. (2023). Unnecessary roughing?: A longitudinal content analysis of violent penalties and their role in sanitizing NFL broadcasts. National Communication Association, National Harbor, MD.

Coche, R., & Bell, T. R. (2023, April). Front-page prominence and newspaper ownership: Examining US women’s national team coverage after 2015 and 2019 World Cup victories. Southern States Communication Association, St. Petersburg, FL.

Sadri, S. R., Dirks, E., Bell, T. R., Jackson, J., & Billings, A. C. (2023, March). Psychophysiological responses to gendered announcing: Exploring the effect of announcer gender on audience attention, arousal, and emotion. The 15th Summit on Communication and Sport, Barcelona, Spain.

Applequist, J., & Bell, T. R. (2022, November). “Curling up in bed with a favorite book is nice, but I think women would rather curl up with their favorite man”: Pharmaceutical ideologies inherent in consumer perceptions of a broadcast advertisement for Viagra. National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.

Bell, T. R. (2022, November). (Trans)sporting “fairness”: A critical rhetoric of disciplining transgender participation through NCAA policy. National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.

Bell, T. R., & O’Brien, J. (2022, November). Survival or mortality?: Framing COVID-19 risk and its effect on media credibility and trust. National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.

Lewis, N., & Bell, T. R. (2022, May). Bearing witness: Portrayals of penalized plays in NFL broadcasts. International Communication Association, Paris, France.

Bell, T. R., & *Rosado, S. (2022, April). HoopGurlz’s biased recruiting: Racial and positional stereotyping in girls’ basketball scouting reports. (1st Place Open Paper Competition). Broadcast Education Association, Las Vegas, NV.


Bell, T. R., *Bingaman, J., & Kluch, Y. (2022, March). Framing Peter Norman: The mediated (in)visibility of racial justice allyship. The 14th Summit on Communication and Sport, Glassboro, NJ.


Bell, T. R., Tallapragada, M., Burke, M., & Cranmer, G. A. (2022, March). Analyzing messaging and reception of the Concussion Legacy Foundation’s “Team Up Speak Up” initiative. The 14th Summit on Communication and Sport, Glassboro, NJ.


Bell, T. R., Dotson-Pierson, C., & Applequist, J. (2021, November). “Big risks, big rewards”: Framing the NWSL Challenge Cup amid a pandemic. National Communication Association, Mass Communication Division, Seattle, WA.

Bell, T. R., & Oh, T. (2021, November). Framing KBO: ESPN, media discourse, and the cultural identity of Korean baseball. Asian/Pacific American Communication Studies Division, Seattle, WA.


Bell, T. R., Robb, J. S., Cobb-Roberts, D., & *Valez, K. (2021, November). Racial levelers in sport: How recruiting rankings recoded the “Black quarterback” as “dual-threat.” National Communication Association, Critical and Cultural Studies Division, Seattle, WA.


Bell, T. R., Sadri, S. R., & Billings, A. C. (2021, November). The dichotomy of male sports and female announcing: Examining the credibility of gendered pairs for NFL announcing teams. National Communication Association, Mass Communication Division, Seattle, WA.


*Tsyruleva, M., & Bell, T. R. (2021, August). “Golden Spike”: Examining Atlanta United's communication strategies and brand attributes from launch to kickoff. (Top Student/Faculty Paper). Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Sports Communication Interest Group, New Orleans, LA. (Presented virtually)


Coche, R., & Bell, T. R. (2021, March). Is staying on top of the world enough to be on the front page? Analysis of American newspapers’ front pages the day after the USWNT’s second consecutive World Cup victory. The 13th Summit on Communication and Sport, St. Petersburg, FL. (Presented virtually)

Bell, T. R. (2021, February). Coding the dual formation of the commodified and racialized high school quarterback. (Top Faculty Paper). Florida Communication Association, Orlando, FL. (Presented virtually)

Bell, T. R. (2020, November). Depicting race: How football recruiting websites construct quarterbacks through coded language as a sporting racial project. Institute on Black Life, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL. (Presented virtually)


Bell, T. R., & Applequist, J. (2020, November). “Do the things you’re gonna do on game day, just don’t get hurt”: A narrative analysis of the NFL’s ‘Future of Football’ advertising campaign. National Communication Association, Mass Communication Division, Indianapolis, IN. (Presented virtually)


Bell, T. R., & Coche, R. (2020, November). “Victory on their own terms”: Framing the USWNT repeat World Cup championship on American front pages. National Communication Association, Mass Communication Division, Indianapolis, IN. (Presented virtually)


Bell, T.R. (2020, November). Communication as commodity exchange: Mapping the media ecology of fantasy sport. National Communication Association, Media Ecology Association, Indianapolis, IN. (Presented virtually)


Bell, T. R., & Smith, L. R. (2020, August). Framing COVID-19 in sport: A content analysis of ESPN’s SportsCenter as a first draft of history. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Sports Communication Interest Group, San Francisco, CA. (Presented virtually)


Perreault, G., & Bell, T. R. (2020, August). Journalism from a sports perspective: Field theory and the re-defining of digital practices of sports journalists. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Sports Communication Interest Group, San Francisco, CA. (Presented virtually)


Sadri, S. R., Bell, T. R., & Billings, A. C. (2020, April). Gendering “Thursday Night Football”: Examining dialogue differences

between all-female and all-male broadcast teams. Paper accepted to the Gender & Sexuality Division at the Broadcast Education Association Conference, Las Vegas, NV.


Applequist, J., & Bell, T. R. (2020, April). The “Future of Football”: A narrative analysis of NFL corporate social responsibility through advertising (1st Place Debut Winner). Paper accepted to the Sports Division at the Broadcast Education Association Conference, Las Vegas, NV.


Bell, T. R., & Coche, R. (2020, April). “Victory on their own terms”: Framing the USWNT repeat World Cup championship on American front pages. Paper accepted to the 13th Summit on Communication and Sport, St. Petersburg, FL.


Coche, R., & Bell, T. R. (2020, April). Is staying on top of the world enough to be on the front page? Analysis of American newspapers’ front pages the day after the USWNT’s second consecutive World Cup victory. Paper accepted to the 13th Summit on Communication and Sport, St. Petersburg, FL.

Bell, T. R., & Haywood, A. (2019, November). Authority figure? Media framing of college coaches implicated in Operation Varsity Blues. Paper presented for the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Mass Communication Division, Baltimore, MD.


Bell, T. R., & Kidd, V. L. (2019, November). “Mike Trout when I’m battin’ boy”: Unpacking baseball’s translation in rap lyrics. Paper presented for the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Communication and Sport Division, Baltimore, MD.


Guldin, R., Applequist, J., & Bell, T. R. (2019, November). “Disney is ruining my kid!”: Making a case for cultivation and social learning theories through examining social aggression in 2000s Disney Channel series. Paper presented for the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Mass Communication Division, Baltimore, MD.


Bell, T. R., & Ruihley, B. J. (2019, August). Mobile media and fantasy sport: A quantitative analysis of media dependency on fantasy draft information (2nd Place Top Faculty Paper). Paper presented for the annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Sports Communication Interest Group, Toronto, Ontario.

Lewis, M., Bell, T. R., Billings, A. C., & Brown, K. A. (2019, April). White sportscasters, Black athletes: Race and ESPN’s coverage of college football’s National Signing Day (2nd Place Prize). Paper presented for the Sport Division at the Broadcast Education Association Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Bell, T. R., Lewis, M., Billings, A. C., & Brown, K. A. (2019, March) “It just means more?”: Depiction of the Southeastern Conference (SEC) in ESPN signing day coverage (2015-2018). Paper presented at the 12th Summit on Communication and Sport, Boise, ID.


Bell, T. R., & Ruihley, B. (2019, March). Media dependency and the fantasy sport draft. Paper presented at the 12th Summit on Communication and Sport, Boise, ID.

Bell, T. R. (2018, November). Radical or revolutionary? Examining N.W.A’s confrontational rhetoric in Straight Outta Compton. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, African American Communication and Culture Division, Salt Lake City, UT.


Bell, T. R. (2018, November). Objects in motion: A playful paradox of potential. Documentary film presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Media@Play Special Session, Salt Lake City, UT.

Bell, T. R. (2018, May). The Civil Rights Movement on Central Avenue in Tampa. Dissertation presented at the annual meeting and symposium of the Florida Historical Society, Sarasota, FL.


Bell, T. R., Applequist, J., & Dotson-Pierson, C. (2018, April). CTE, media, and the NFL: Framing of an American football crisis. Paper presented at the 11th Summit on Communication and Sport, Bloomington, IN.


Bell, T. R., & Hartman, K. L. (2018, April). Stealing thunder: Maria Sharapova’s “breaking” press conference and media framing of her drug suspension. Paper presented at the 11th Summit on Communication and Sport, Bloomington, IN.


Bell, T. R. (2018, April). Documentary film and Thirdspace: A critical (ethnographic) lens to explore community, place, and race. (Top Paper). Paper presented to the Documentary Division at the Broadcast Education Association Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Bell, T. R. (2017, November). Visual media: Documenting a legacy for communication. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Dallas, TX.


Bell, T. R. (2017, November). Learning through rigor: The push and pull for mass communication professional educators. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Dallas, TX.


Bell, T. R. (2017, November). Star value? The racial marginalization of high school quarterbacks in recruiting. Paper presented at the annual conference of The North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Windsor, Ontario.


Bell, T. R. (2017, November). Transforming tradition with technology: A sporting push for visual ethnography to examine youth sport. Paper presented at the annual conference of The North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Windsor, Ontario.


Bell, T. R. (2017, August). Athleticism or racism? Identity formation of the (racialized) dual-threat quarterback through football recruiting websites. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago, IL.


Bell, T. R., & Applequist, J. (2017, August). Veiled hyper-sexualization: How the Women’s Tennis Association deciphers collective identity through advertising. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago, IL.


Bell, T. R. (2017, March). Media, myth, and perception: An examination of football recruiting through the critical lens of interest convergence. Paper presented at the 10th Summit on Communication and Sport, Phoenix, AZ.


Bell, T. R., & Applequist, J. (2017, March). “Strong is Beautiful”: A visual textual analysis of hyper-sexualization present in the WTA's global ad campaign. Paper presented at the 10th Summit on Communication and Sport, Phoenix, AZ.


Bell, T. R., & Applequist, J. (2016, November). Concussion, Omalu, and the NFL: A quantitative analysis of a media template. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Philadelphia, PA.


Bell, T. R. (2016, November). Visually engaged ethnography: Construction knowledge and consciousness. Poster presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Philadelphia, PA.


Bell, T. R., & Coche, R. (2016, November). Post-apartheid Olympic hero: Media construction of South African Josia Thugwane. Paper presented at the annual conference of The North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Tampa, FL.


Bell, T. R. (2016, November). Fantasy journalism: How technical creation of information simulates football reality. Paper presented at the annual conference of The North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Tampa, FL.


Bell, T. R. (2016, October). Who was Martin Chambers? Examining media depiction of a black teenager’s death in 1967. Research-in-progress presented at the national convention of the American Journalism Historians Association, St. Petersburg, FL.


Bell, T. R., & Sanderson, J. (2016, August). A hit on American football: Bottom-up framing in op-ed reader comments. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Minneapolis, MN.


Coche, R., & Bell, T. R. (2016, August). High power kick: Framing of the USWNT 2015 World Cup victory on American front pages. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Minneapolis, MN.


Bell, T. R. (2016, March). What’s in a name? Cultural heritage and naming praxis in Tampa Bay craft breweries. Poster presented at the University of South Florida Graduate Student Research Symposium, Tampa, FL.


Coche, R., & Bell, T. R. (2016, March). Is being on top of the world enough to be on the front page? Analysis of American newspapers the day after the World Cup soccer victory. Paper presented at the 9th Summit on Communication and Sport, Grand Rapids, MI.


Bell, T. R., & Coche, R. (2016, February). How and why (forgotten) Olympic heroes are remembered? A case study of Josia Thugwane. Paper presented at the Sports Media Consortium, Atlanta, GA.


Bell, T. R. (2015, October). Framed: A qualitative analysis of ESPN’s coverage of the College Football Playoff. (Top Paper). Paper presented at the annual convention of the Florida Communication Association Convention, Orlando, FL.


Bell, T. R. (2015, October). Creativity, social media, and college football recruiting: The innovative mix of business and journalism. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Ohio Communication Association Annual Conference. Dayton, OH.


Bell, T. R. (2015, October). Trading Places: My story of white innocence. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Midwest Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association, Cincinnati, OH.


Bell, T. R. (2015, August). Communities of practice, National Signing Day, and Byron Cowart: A qualitative analysis of deference and demeanor. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, Chicago, IL.


Bell, T. R. (2015, August). Documentary, high school football, and race: An intersection of symbolic interactionism. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, Chicago, IL.


Bell, T. R. (2015, March). Translating community social change to academia through visual representation. Paper presented at the winter meeting of the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, St. Petersburg, FL.

© Travis R. Bell

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