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Bell, T. R., & Osborne, A. (2025). Gender defenders of the sports binary: Mediating discourses of difference against intersex and transgender female athletes. Peter Lang.

Bell, T. R., Applequist, J., & Dotson-Pierson, C. (2019). CTE, media, and the NFL: Framing a public health crisis as a football epidemic. Lexington Books.

Published reviews of the book:


Bell, T. R. (2024). Mediating “real life”: Social media as metajournalism and a narrative rupture to framing theory. Journalism & Communication Monographs, 26(1), 74-77.

Bell, T. R., Robb, J. S., Cobb-Roberts, D., & *Valez, K. (2024). (Re)coding the “Black quarterback”: A 20-year critical quantitative analysis of racial stacking and the mediated dichotomy between “pro-style” and “dual-threat.” Communication & Sport. Advance online publication.

Bell, T. R., & *Rosado, S. (2024). HoopGurlz’s biased recruiting: Racial and positional stereotyping in girls’ basketball scouting reports. Feminist Media Studies24(7), 1598-1616.

Bell, T. R., Sadri, S. R., & Billings, A. C. (2024). The dichotomy of male sports and female announcing: Examining the credibility of gendered pairs for NFL announcing teams. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly101(4), 1026-1048. 

Coche, R., & Bell, T. R. (2024). Front-page prominence and newspaper ownership: Examining US women’s national team coverage after 2015 and 2019 World Cup victories. Journalism25(3), 717-728.

Lewis, N., & Bell, T. R. (2024). A content analysis of violent penalties and their role in sanitizing NFL broadcasts. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 68(3), 465-483.

*Dirks, E., Sadri, S. R., Bell, T. R., *Jackson, J., & Billings, A. C. (2023). Psychophysiological responses to gendered sports announcing: Effects of announcer ender on audience arousal and emotion. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 67(4), 487-506. 

*Grover, M., & Bell, T. R. (2023). "Golden Spike": Examining Atlanta United's communication strategies and brand attributes from launch to kickoff. Journal of Sports Media, 18(1), 75-100. 

Bell, T. R., & Applequist, J. (2022). The “Future of Football”: A narrative analysis of NFL corporate social responsibility through advertising. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 66(1), 110-128.

Bell, T. R., & Coche, R. (2022). “Victory on their own terms”: American front-page framing of the USWNT repeat World Cup championship. Journalism Practice, 16(6), 1134-1149.

Burke, M., Tallapragada, M., Bell, T. R., & Cranmer, C. A. (2022). Theory in practice: Bystander intervention for concussion reporting. Strategies: A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators, 35(4), 45-48.


Perreault, G., & Bell, T. R. (2022). Towards a “digital” sports journalism: Field theory, changing boundaries, and evolving technologies. Communication & Sport, 10(3), 398-416.


Bell, T. R. (2021). Coding the dual formation of the commodified and racialized high school quarterback. Florida Communication Journal49(1), 1-17.

Bell, T. R. (2021). Communication as commodity exchange: Mapping the media ecology of fantasy sport. The International Journal of the History of Sport38(1), 95-115.

Bell, T. R. (2021). SportsCenter: A case study of media framing U.S. sport as the COVID-19 epicenter. International Journal of Sport Communication, 14(2), 298-317.

Sadri, S. R., Bell, T. R., & Billings, A. C. (2021). Gendering “Thursday Night Football”: Examining dialogue differences between all-female and all-male broadcast teams. Journal of Gender Studies, 30(3), 270-281.

Bell, T. R., & Coche, R. (2020). “The Man South Africa Forgot”: Media Construction and Redemption of Post-Apartheid Hero Josia Thugwane. Journal of Sports Media15(1), 99-123.

Bell, T. R., & Kidd, V. D. (2020). “Mike Trout when I’m battin’ boy”: Unpacking baseball’s translation in rap lyrics. Sociology of Sport Journal, 37(3).

Lewis, M., Bell, T. R., Billings, A. C., & Brown, K. A. (2020). White sportscasters, Black athletes: Race and ESPN’s coverage of college football’s National Signing Day. Howard Journal of Communications31(4)

Bell, T. R., Lewis, M., Billings, A. C., & Brown, K. A. (2019). “It just means more?”: Depiction of the Southeastern Conference (SEC) in ESPN signing day coverage (2015-2018). The Southern Quarterly56(3), 48-67.

Bell, T. R. (2018). Documentary film as collaborative ethnography: A Thirdspace lens to explore community and race. Critical Arts, 32(5-6), 17-34. 

Bell, T. R., & Coche, R. (2018). High power kick: Content analysis of the 2015 USWNT World Cup victory on American front pages. Communication & Sport, 6(6), 745-761.

Bell, T. R., & Hartman, K. L. (2018). Stealing thunder through social media: Framing of Maria Sharapova’s drug suspension. International Journal of Sport Communication, 11(3), 369-388.


Bell, T. R., Morales, A. W., & Robb, J. (2017). Communities of practice, media dependency, and surveillance: A virtual search for supremacy in fantasy football. Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture17(1).


Bell, T. R. (2016). Visually engaged ethnography: Constructing knowledge and critical consciousness. Journal of Media Practice17 (2-3), 126-137.

Bell, T. R., & Sanderson, J. (2016). A hit on American football: A case study of bottom-up framing through op-ed readers' comments. International Journal of Sport Communication, 9(4), 499-518.


Bell, T. R., & Applequist, J. (2022). Media framing, sport, and public health. In J. Sanderson & M. Weathers (Eds.), Health communication and sport: Connections, applications, and opportunities (pp. 15-30). Lexington. ISBN: 978-1-7936-4975-1

Bell, T. R., Dotson-Pierson, C., & Applequist, J. (2022). “Big risks, big rewards”: Framing the NWSL Challenge Cup amid a pandemic. In A. C. Billings, L. A. Wenner, & M. Hardin (Eds.), American sport in the shadow of a pandemic: Communicative insights (pp. 95-109). Peter Lang. ISBN: 9781433191916

Bell, T. R., & Oh, T. (2022). Framing KBO: ESPN, media discourse, and the cultural identity of Korean baseball. In S. Bien-Aimé & C. Wang (Eds.), Perceptions of East Asian and Asian North American athletics (pp. 151-171). Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-3-0309-7779-5


Bell, T. R. (2021). Remembering NCAA v. Board of Regents: The Supreme Court foundation of a mediated college football cartel. In J. Carvalho (Ed.), Sports media history: Culture, technology, identity (pp. 238-250). Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-3672-5428-5

Bell, T. R. (2021). “VAR should not be used to re-referee the game”: A televisual analysis of VAR reviews in the 2019 World Cup. In M. Yanity & D. Coombs (Eds.), 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup: Media, fandom, and soccer’s biggest stage (pp. 53-71). Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-3-030-75401-3

Bell, T. R. (2020). Identity construction: Media, myth, and perception in football recruiting. In D.D. Brown (Ed.), Sports in African American life: Essays on history and culture (pp. 195-207). Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-1-4766-3766-2

Bell, T. R. (2020). The NCAA’s mythos of the student-athlete and academic clustering: Media guides and/as contradiction. In M. Milford & L. R. Smith (Eds.), Communication and contradiction in the NCAA: An unlevel playing field (pp. 83-98). Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-1-4331-6492-7

Guldin, R., Applequist, J., & Bell, T. R. (2020). ‘Disney is ruining my kid!’: A case for cultivation and social learning in tween TV by examining depictions of social aggression in 2000s Disney Channel series. In C. Bell (Ed.), Disney Channel tween programming: Essays on shows from Lizzie McGuire to Andi Mack (pp. 91-110). McFarland and Company Publishers, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-4766-8194-8

Bell, T. R., & Applequist, J. (2019). Veiled hyper-sexualization: Deciphering Strong is Beautiful as collective identity in the WTA’s global ad campaign. In R.J. Lake (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of tennis: History, culture, and politics (pp. 234-244). Routledge. ISBN: 978-1-1386-9193-3

Bell, T. R. (2017). As if beaches and theme parks were not enough: Mediated social construction of craft beer tourism in Tampa Bay. In C. Kline, S.L. Slocum, & C.T. Cavaliere (Eds.), Craft beverages and tourism: The rise of breweries and distilleries in the United States (Vol. 1) (pp. 89-103). Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-3-319-49852-2

Bell, T. R. (2017). What’s in a name? Cultural heritage and naming praxis in Tampa Bay craft breweries. In A.W. Tyma (Ed.), Beer culture in theory and practice: Understanding craft beer culture in the United States (pp. 97-111). Lexington Books. ISBN: 978-1-4985-3554-0



Bell, T. R. (2022). Sports broadcasting. In G. Borchard (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of journalism (2nd ed.) (pp. 1543-1547). Sage.

Bell, T. R. (2019). Minorities in professional sports. (2,000 words) In R. M. Lawson & B. A. Lawson (Eds.), Race and ethnicity in the United States: From pre-contact to the present (Vol. 4) (pp. 210-213). ABC-Clio.


Bell, T. R. (2019). Minorities in college sports. (2,000 words) In R. M. Lawson & B. A. Lawson (Eds.), Race and ethnicity in the United States: From pre-contact to the present (Vol. 4) (pp. 63-66). ABC-Clio.


Bell, T. R. (2019). Robert Saunders and the “Tampa Technique.” (1,000 words) In R. M. Lawson & B. A. Lawson (Eds.), Race and ethnicity in the United States: From pre-contact to the present (Vol. 3) (pp. 221-222). ABC-Clio.

Bell, T. R. (2015). Sports networks. (1,400 words) In F.F. Wherry & J.B. Schor (Eds.), The SAGE encyclopedia of economics and society (Vols. 1-4) (pp. 1515-1518). SAGE Publishing.



Bell, T. R. (2019). Book review: Field guide to covering sports [by J. Gisondi]. International Journal of Sport Communication, 12(2), 297-299.

Bell, T. R. (2018). Film review: In Football We Trust. Journal of Sport History, 45(1), 92-93. 

Bell, T. R. (2017). Museum review: Ted Williams Museum and Hitters Hall of Fame. Journal of Sport History, 44(1), 91-92.


Bell, T. R. (2016). Book review: ESPN: The making of a sports media empire. [Review of the book ESPN: The Making of Sports Media Empire, by T. Vogan]. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 51(5), 634-636. doi:10.1177/1012690216653759


Bell, T. R. (2017, September 27). From Sierens to Mowins, challenges and advances for female sportscasters. Engaging Sports.

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